Supplier appraisal - transparency from A to Z

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    Article: Supplier appraisal - transparency from A to Z

    Comparison creates confidence.

    We assess our suppliers according to transparent criteria along the procurement process. Here we differentiate according to different supplier classes, performance dimensions and phases which lead to a final rating.

    Comparison between "target" and "actual"

    The variance comparison assesses provided supplies and services with regard to the contractually stipulated agreements; the appraisal process looks at qualified suppliers within a product group.

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    Classification in supplier classes

    The appraisal process allocates the suppliers to classes. The scope of the appraisal varies according to the supplier class:

    • high (high appraisal intensity and frequency)
    • middle (middle appraisal intensity and frequency)
    • low (low appraisal intensity and frequency)

    The supplier class that your company is allocated to depends on the requirement category of your DB-relevant supplies and services, and on their strategic significance.

    Deriving the supplier class
    Deriving the supplier class
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    Appraisal in three dimensions and phases

    We assess quality, costs and punctuality along the complete procurement process, from the offer, supply and service phase until the product in practice phase. The appraisal logic therefore consists of three dimensions and phases, which are combined to result in nine appraisal criteria. 

    Assess logic of dimensions and phases
    Assess logic of dimensions and phases
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    Appraisal result: the rating

    The supplier appraisal results in a rating on the following levels:

    • outstanding, i.e. the supplier was above the requirements of the DB AG
    • good, i.e. the supplier met the requirements of the DB AG
    • restricted, i.e. the supplier was partly consistent with the requirements of DB AG
    • poor, i.e. the supplier did not meet the requirements of the DB AG

    The supplier is informed of the appraisal results at least once a year.

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