This is green.

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  • Article: This is green.

    Our This is green. environmental brand is a visible symbol of Deutsche Bahn's green transformation. The living expression of our ambitious targets, it features countless measures that focus on climate protection, nature conservation, resource protection and noise reduction.

    Deutsche Bahn wants to ensure that we we leave coming generations a world they can be proud to call home, and we have committed ourselves to this goal by working towards our green transformation. We live up to our responsibilities not just by creating products and services that are eco-friendly and sustainable, but also by making the way we work ecologically sound and sustainable as well.

    DB's green transformation is gathering pace thanks to the many detailed measures and projects we have initiated. This is the only way to make progress, bit by bit, towards making our company greener and more sustainable. The This is green. environmental brand gives our ecological activities visibility as well as tangibility.

    A host of measures for even more environmental protection and sustainability

    Today, our This is green. portfolio includes over 150 measures that concentrate on four areas of action: climate protection, nature conservation, resource protection and noise reduction.

    The measures were introduced by DB employees. This is green. is a strong involvement program for DB employees. Everyone can make suggestions for green measures, which are reviewed according to specific criteria.

    You can browse our range of measures online and you can also see them in action at various sites across Germany. Each of these eco-friendly and sustainable products and services displays the This is green. signet, its portfolio number and a message. Take our measure no. 1 for example: Since 2018, Deutsche Bahn’s long-distance passengers have been traveling on 100% green power.

    Looking at this list, our passengers and other rail users can immediately see how and where we are working to protect the environment.

    Our green measures: A selection

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