E-Learning about DB's Code of Conduct for Business Partners

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    • Business Partners

      On this website, our business partners can find information about our understanding of essential basics for a successful business partnership.

    Article: E-Learning about DB's Code of Conduct for Business Partners

    This web-based training provides business partners of DB Group with a concise overview of essential requirements and principles which serve as a basis for cooperation between DB Group and its partners.

    DB's E-learning on the DB Code of Conduct for Business Partners is aimed at all suppliers of goods and services, consultants, agents and other business partners of DB Group.

    The E-learning provides case studies as well as access to more and detailed information about ethical standards, applicable laws and integrity requirements. 

    After completing the E-learning, you will have the possibility to print out your personal certificate.

    You can start the E-Learning via the link below: compliance_e_learning