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Article: Help

What you need to view this website.

System requirements

This website has been optimized for Microsoft Internet Explorer 7, Mozilla Firefox 3.5, Opera 9 or higher. To be able to take advantage of the full functionality, you must have JavaScript activated in your browser.

The screen resolution should be set to at least 1024 x 768.

The following operating systems are supported:

Microsoft Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7

MacOS X and later versions


The layout structure of this website uses the following elements: standard navigation, main navigation, orientation and navigation tools, as well as a content section with context navigation (the Deutsche Bahn Group's website ( also uses portal navigation):

The standard navigation system is visible on all pages and contains the following elements: Search, Home, Contact, Site map, FAQ and Help in the heading section, plus Privacy, GTC and Legal in the footer section.

This main navigation menu is located on the left-hand side of the screen. It represents the content hierarchy. The main navigation system also allows the user to move further into the website.

The following orientation and navigation tools are additional elements designed to guide the user through the website or to classify content:

DB logo (returns user to the Home page or to

Breadcrumb trail

Specific page navigation

The texts, graphics, etc. shown in the content section are those that represent the content of Deutsche Bahn AG's website. If several sections can be combined to form one category, then an overview page appears first, which uses "teasers" to give you a summary of the content that follows. Documents that can be downloaded or links to external applications can be attached at the bottom of a content page. If several pages are combined to create a single topic, you can select these pages using the pull-down menu on the right. Links will take you from here to related pages or other interesting sites on the Internet.

Video and audio files

We normally offer you audio in the form of mp3 files.

Video files are usually offered in Windows Media format. To enable you to reproduce the sound and images on your computer, you will need the appropriate software, such as Microsoft Windows Media Player.

PDF files

We use PDF format to display documents in the original layout. Acrobat Reader from Adobe Systems, which can display these files, is available free-of-charge. You can download the program onto your computer from Adobe's website.

Under the navigation menu item "Deutsche Bahn Group > Press" of the Deutsche Bahn Group's website ( we have provided press information with the option of viewing it in PDF format at the end of the text in the content section. This makes it possible for journalists to print out press texts in the layout of a press release from Deutsche Bahn AG.

RSS feed

Press releases and traffic updates are available as news or RSS feeds on the Group portal RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a technology that lets users subscribe to all or some content of a website. New content can loaded automatically on the subscriber's computer (or other device) as soon as it is published. RSS is a convenient method that ensures the subscriber always has the latest information. In technical terms, RSS is a family of XML-based file formats.


To print out specific pages, either use the Print function in your browser or click the "Print version" button at the end of the text in the content section. The "Print version" function generates a special printer-friendly version of the content, without the header graphics and navigation bar. This shortens printing time and reduces ink/toner consumption.

New content

This functionality enables you to display content that has been added over the last 14 days. This navigation item is located in the gray section in the header bar.

Recommend page

The "Recommend page" icon enables you to send individual pages from the content section by email. The "Recommend page" icon is at the end of the text in the content section, as is the "Print version" icon.