Members of the Supervisory Board of Deutsche Bahn AG

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    Article: Members of the Supervisory Board of Deutsche Bahn AG

    In accordance with the German Codetermination Act, the Supervisory Board of Deutsche Bahn AG has 20 members, of whom ten are shareholder representatives and ten are employee representatives.

    In accordance with the German Codetermination Act, the Supervisory Board of Deutsche Bahn AG has 20 members, of whom ten are shareholder representatives and ten are employee representatives. Some of the shareholder representatives are appointed; others are elected by the annual general meeting. The employee representatives are elected in accordance with the German Codetermination Act. The Federal Republic of Germany is the sole shareholder.

    Chairman of the Supervisory BoardWerner Gatzerretired State SecretaryTeltow

    Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory BoardMartin Burkert*Deputy Chairman of theGerman Railway and Transport Union (EVG)

    Shareholder representatives

    Stefan GelbhaarMember of the German BundestagBerlin

    Anja HajdukState Secretary in the Federal Ministryfor economy and climate protection

    Susanne HenckelState Secretary in the Federal Ministryfor digital and transport

    Prof. Dr. Susanne KnorreManagement ConsultantHannover

    Dorothee MartinMember of the German BundestagHamburg

    Daniela MattheusLawyer/Management ConsultantBerlin

    Michael Sven PuschelHead of the federal highways departmentFederal Ministry for digital and transportNieder-Olm

    Dr. Immo QuernerManagement Consultant/Non Executive DirectorCelle

    Dr. Irina SoeffkyMinisterial ConductorMember of the German BundestagBerlin

    Employee representatives

    Ralf Damde* Chairman of the Central Works CouncilDB Regio AGEnsdorf/Saar

    Jörg Hensel* Chairman of the European Works CouncilDeutsche Bahn AGHamm

    Nadja Houy* Deputy Chair of the Central Works CouncilDeutsche Bahn AGChemnitz

    Cosima Ingenschay*Deputy Chair of the Supervisory Board of the German Railway and Transport Union (EVG)Berlin

    Alexander Kaczmarek*Management Representative for the Federal States ofBrandenburg, Berlin and Mecklenburg-Western PomeraniaDeutsche Bahn AGBerlin

    Heike Moll*Chairman of the Central Works CouncilDeutsche Bahn AGMunich

    Manfred Scholze*Chairman of the Central Works CouncilDB Fernverkehr AGEbersbach-Neugersdorf

    Klaus-Peter Schölzke*Chair of the Works CouncilDB Regio AGGörlitz

    Veit Sobek*Project and Programme Management ExpertDB InfraGO AGHalberstadt

    * Employee representatives

    Last modified December 9, 2024