Article: Members of the Supervisory Board of Deutsche Bahn AG
In accordance with the German Codetermination Act, the Supervisory Board of Deutsche Bahn AG has 20 members, of whom ten are shareholder representatives and ten are employee representatives.
In accordance with the German Codetermination Act, the Supervisory Board of Deutsche Bahn AG has 20 members, of whom ten are shareholder representatives and ten are employee representatives. Some of the shareholder representatives are appointed; others are elected by the annual general meeting. The employee representatives are elected in accordance with the German Codetermination Act. The Federal Republic of Germany is the sole shareholder.
Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Werner Gatzer retired State Secretary TeltowDeputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Martin Burkert* Deputy Chairman of the German Railway and Transport Union (EVG)Shareholder representatives
Stefan Gelbhaar
Member of the German Bundestag BerlinAnja Hajduk
State Secretary in the Federal Ministry for economy and climate protectionSusanne Henckel
State Secretary in the Federal Ministry for digital and transportProf. Dr. Susanne Knorre
Management Consultant HannoverDorothee Martin
Member of the German Bundestag HamburgDaniela Mattheus
Lawyer/Management Consultant BerlinMichael Sven Puschel
Head of the federal highways department Federal Ministry for digital and transport Nieder-OlmDr. Immo Querner
Management Consultant/Non Executive Director CelleDr. Irina Soeffky
Ministerial Conductor Member of the German Bundestag BerlinEmployee representatives
Ralf Damde*
Chairman of the Central Works Council DB Regio AG Ensdorf/SaarJörg Hensel*
Chairman of the European Works Council Deutsche Bahn AG HammNadja Houy*
Deputy Chair of the Central Works Council Deutsche Bahn AG ChemnitzCosima Ingenschay*
Deputy Chair of the Supervisory Board of the German Railway and Transport Union (EVG) BerlinAlexander Kaczmarek*
Management Representative for the Federal States of Brandenburg, Berlin and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Deutsche Bahn AG BerlinHeike Moll*
Chairman of the Central Works Council Deutsche Bahn AG MunichManfred Scholze*
Chairman of the Central Works Council DB Fernverkehr AG Ebersbach-NeugersdorfKlaus-Peter Schölzke*
Chair of the Works Council DB Regio AG GörlitzVeit Sobek*
Project and Programme Management Expert DB InfraGO AG Halberstadt* Employee representatives
Last modified December 9, 2024